lundi 15 juin 2009

The Law of Attraction:

How to attract Luck and Prosperity into your Life

A PERSON’S SUCCESS (their social status, friends and relations, their wealth, their luck in life, etc.) DEPENDS ENTIRELY ON THEIR INNER ENERGY AND VIBRATORY POWER, IN OTHER WORDS, ON THEIR CHARISMA

Charisma is that natural authority, that irresistible fascination a person can have over others, almost as if they had supernatural powers.

Charisma is the result of what is called vibration, the subtle energy that emanates from each of us. Some people are described as being charismatic, while others are not.

The truth is that charisma can be acquired!

In life, people with the lowest vibrations are the shyest, so much so they are practically invisible. People who have ‘average’ vibration live an ordinary life, in other words, as many good times as bad, as much sadness as happiness, and they end up leading a fairly dreary existence.

Those, however, whose vibrations are on a higher level attract the happiest events, the most fortunate circumstances and the most fulfilling encounters towards them, as if by magic. They are the driving forces in life because others, whose vibratory levels are lower, always seek to imitate them and follow them.

People who are gifted with very high frequency vibrations forge their way in life unhindered by fear or doubt. They find it much easier to overcome the obstacles and problems that stand between them and their objectives. They are blessed with this vital force that allows them to move forward and achieve their goals. Those with lower vibratory levels, however, are plagued with fear and doubt.

On Earth and in the Universe, everything is vibration. When human beings are in absolute harmony with their surroundings, this means their vibrations are aligned with the surrounding vibrations. So once we realise we are part of a Whole that is no more or less than energy and vibration, it becomes very easy to establish a link with the natural forces, to increase our energetic and vibratory potential.

Its very important to understand this link between human beings and the world around us, a subtle link that allows us to drawn on and accumulate quantities of energy and power to take our vibratory level over the average.

This vibratory energy is the greatest source of wealth that human beings possess and those who are blessed with it are better equipped to succeed in life.

There is a close link between the power of thought and the levels of energy and vibration available to us, and when thoughts are endowed with the determination to succeed in all areas, the mind becomes a laser that focuses all its vibratory power on achieving the goal, whatever it is.

When this happens, we achieve great clarity, our ideas are no longer muddled and, moreover, flood in their thousands into a mind uncluttered what you might call negative thought.

Most people nowadays have fairly weak charisma, because their inner energy and vibratory power are not very highly developed.

Why is this?...

The reason is that most people are cut off from this fundamental truth: humans are essentially unlimited beings, intended to live every instant of their existence in joy, abundance, happiness and love, in harmony with the universe around them.

Instead, they often suffer misfortune, restrictions and trials and tribulations of all sorts over the course of their incarnation in the material world. They often end up – rightly, moreover – feeling frustrated, confused and as if life has not treated them fairly. They feel a sort of fundamental injustice.

Basically, they have a confused feeling, deep within them, that something « isn’t right », and that life has much better things to offer them!

What is the source of this vague yet persistent feeling?

It’s because the « little voice » of their soul is whispering to them that their origin is of a divine nature… This is something the various religions on Earth never cease to remind us of. The Sacred Scriptures to which these religions refer all mention the existence of a spiritual guide whose role is to assist human beings during their earthly existence.

In most cultures, these spiritual manifestations would be seen as coming from other kingdoms, more subtle than our own. Over the course of time and civilisations, have always developed relationships with these spiritual aids, whatever the name given to them.

For ease of expression, and because it’s a term commonly used, here we will speak of a « Lucky Star ». But you could also use the term Guardian Angel, for example, without changing the meaning in any way.

Whatever you call it, you need to know that each of us has a lucky star that presides over their personal destiny.

Yes, this star, this cosmic guide, does exist and is accessible in each of us, to protect us and help us benefit from exceptional opportunities…

That is its nature,
its reason for being, its cosmic mission

So, you might say, if we really do have a lucky star, why doesn’t life bestow more of its good things on you?

Yes, why don’t you have all the luck, prosperity, love, success and harmony you may rightfully expect in life? ...

The answer is very simple: it’s because you’ve « lost contact » with your Lucky Star.

In other words, you’ve strayed from the Path of Light, and although your Star lives on in you and forms a fundamental part of your inner being, you no longer communicate with it. You can no longer profit from its guidance and enlightened messages.

It’s rather as if an opaque ‘smokescreen’ had gradually come down, a screen which your Star cannot penetrate.

So, you remain trapped in an ordinary state of consciousness, in which your perception of yourself, and of the universe, is fragmented, limited. You no longer have access to the magical part of the universe, the transcendental reality – much bigger than your beliefs, more enormous than anything you could possibly imagine.

Consequently: instead of prospering on a material and spiritual level, your life stagnates. One way of putting it is that you’re cut off from the personal resources and creativity that would allow you to lead a richer, more gratifying life in all areas.

But don’t worry, I have good news: this state is not irreversible and you get rid of this opaque ‘smokescreen’ that’s preventing you from profiting fully from the positive influence of your lucky Star.

It is absolutely possible to increase your personal charisma and re-establish contact with this spiritual guide, with your Star of Light.

Once this luminous link has been « reactivated », you’ll see your problems resolve themselves as if by magic. Your life will take a new turn, because the potential for wealth and happiness dormant within you will finally begin to be unleashed.

I’m going to stop here for this time but don’t worry, I’ll reveal to you how to reactive this link with your lucky star next time.

mardi 2 juin 2009

Intuition, a marvellous "tool"

INTUITION that marvellous ‘tool’ which is available to us naturally, but which we use little or ‘ineptly’ … simply because we do not know how to do it.

Once we know how to listen to the voice of our intuition, the ‘opaque smokescreen’ estranging us from our happy fate disappears forever!

Perhaps you do not know it yet, but your intuition is your best friend and it will never trick you. Your intuition is like a beacon in the middle of the night.

Your intuition is the ally and the faithful servant of the Guide to Love and Light that is your lucky Star.

But in order to benefit fully from the thousand and one services that it can perform for you, you must be determined to listen to it. This is most often the difficult part.

Whereas animals always follow their instinct, human beings can choose to do exactly the opposite of what their intuition dictates. Animals are invariably led by their instincts. For example, if an animal is frightened to enter a place, it does not enter; it follows its instinct, which is indicating danger, and saves itself by running away.

For humans, this is different and more complex because we have a conscience and free will, which means we have to make choices and live with the consequences. That is how the human race has evolved to become what it is: a divine being with unlimited powers.

You will certainly have noticed this: often, when something bad has happened, when you stop to analyse the situation, you remember many signs and premonitions which served as warnings, but you choose to spurn your intuition…only to regret it later!

You need to learn how to listen to your heart and follow your intuition. When you say that you will do something and you feel uneasy in yourself, it is because you are doing something that you do not want to do or that you shouldn’t do. It is your intuition that is guiding you and you must listen to it.

By repressing their intuitions, senses and emotions, people in our so-called modern societies end up not knowing what they want to say. We lose the ability to decipher the meaning of the events and experiences through which we live. We lose touch with our inner life and we walk on into the darkness because we no longer listen to our internal guides.

But first of all, what is intuition?

Intuition can be defined as a type of immediate knowledge which does not draw on logical and rational reasoning, like a feeling, which may be more or less clear, impossible to put your finger on, as yet unformed.

Intuition could be described as the acquisition of new, spontaneous, sudden knowledge; a flash of information, generally accompanied by a vague emotion or feeling – positive or negative, depending on the case.

In the minds of many people, intuition is often linked to premonition. And with good reason since, speaking personally, my experience as a clairvoyant and medium has shown me how premonition and intuitive perception are in fact similar ; they are manifested in the same way.

Intuition is communication with the infinite intelligence of the unconscious (or alternatively the subconscious) Mind.

It is easier to understand when you realise that the conscious mind is in charge of reasoning, rationalising and intellectualising. It is the alert and voluntary part of your mind. In this respect, the conscious is objective and active: it chooses and decides. All the thoughts and images that your mind forms and conceives are ‘dispatched’ to your subconscious which ‘stores’ them.

The subconscious is the unconscious ‘dormant’ part of your mind. This is the subjective, passive part that obeys the orders given by your conscious mind, which executes all of your instructions to the letter. It does not know how to think, it only knows to obey. It is the seat of your emotions, your habits and your memory.

But there is also a ‘super-conscious’ which is located beyond the conscious and the subconscious. Certain ‘psychic powers’, or paranormal powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis, ‘astral journey’, clairvoyance, belong to the domain of the super-conscious. Intuition also comes from the super-conscious.

People who are experts in occultism, mediums, clairvoyants – in other words those who believe in the existence of realities and dimensions other than those in which we live out our daily lives -, intuition is one of the numerous powers that human beings can develop and learn to master (you too, in this case, if you really want to…).

Intuition, (the sixth sense) is, however, a sense similar to other senses (hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste), except that it is not linked to any visible organ. It is a strange thing that little children are taught from a very early age to distinguish between colours and smells, to enjoy caresses, reading, writing, singing, etc. whereas they are NEVER told that the little inner voice that they often hear (particularly before the age of 8) is worthy of all their attention.

It is only by making use of this sense that they can learn to distinguish right from wrong, genuine people from fakes. It can show them the path to follow so that their life will be strewn with roses rather than nettles, and by following its recommendations, they will have access to the secrets of the Universe.

Researchers and prestigious scientists have discovered, by performing extrasensory perception tests on children, that the younger the child, the greater their powers in this domain. All children possess psychic gifts that disappear as they grow older, repressed, deeper and deeper, by education and the pressures and constraints of life in society (the ‘smokescreen’).


I will give you some hints here; they will enable you to recognise your intuitions as you begin to develop the powers of intuition dormant within you …

At the beginning, before you have brought it under control, intuition manifests itself without any warning at the times and in the situations when you least expect it. You suddenly feel a vague, hazy feeling; a sort of illumination from within. Suddenly, you know, without thinking or reasoning, that you have the truth, but without being able to prove it in a logical way. It is located more in your ‘guts’ and your heart than in your head.

The greatest problem which you come up against as intuition develops and this type of feeling occurs, is that you tend to deny it, putting it down to imagination or silliness…and it is often when the intuitive perception is fulfilled that you realise how pertinent it was. Unfortunately, in many cases, it is too late.

In other words, you should seize these flashes of intuition when they happen! But recognising the signs of intuition is not always easy, because it is a capricious faculty that takes on different guises. It might communicate with your mind by making you see images because it knows that these images will meet with a response.

For example, the image of your son receiving a diploma a few hours before he gives you the invitation to the presentation ceremony. Or the image of a friend on a hospital bed the day before his car accident. Or even the image of a person you have never seen before in your life but who appears at your door shortly after this vision.

Intuition also manifests itself through images when it happens in your dreams, in creative visualisations or when meditating.

Sometimes, intuition emerges through sound. For example, when you hear a voice, inside you, which suggests something to you, a recommendation or admonition. Sometimes, again, you might have the feeling of hearing music. In this case, turn your attention to the music: what does it evoke for you? Is it gentle and peaceful or alternatively, loud and strident?

There are also the ring of the telephone or the doorbell. You pick up the handset…but it’s dead. You open the door…nobody there! Pay attention if this happens, you will know that it is a truly an intuition if soon afterwards you can easily link this bizarre phenomenon to a specific event: a telephone call or a visitor.

In the same line, feelings such as shivers, trembling, sudden anxiety or the quickening up of the heartbeat, or an aversion as rapid as it is inexplicable, are guises that intuition may take to communicate with you, to make you aware that something is wrong or, to the contrary, that something marvellous is happening.

There are also those moments when you get the impression that someone is looking at you, touching you or stroking your hair, even when you are on your own.

As your intuition beings to develop, do not be surprised if you perceive one or several of the manifestations that I have just described. Do not treat them with indifference or scorn, saying afterwards: "I should have gone with my first idea…" Remember that the first impression is often the best.

jeudi 28 mai 2009

Maria Duval - The Rule of Wealth No. 6

Give in order to receive.....

This is the universal principle of wealth and prosperity on which all religions, philosophies and spiritual teachings unanimously agree. They all acknowledge that it is a golden rule for accumulating money, material riches and prosperity here on Earth. If you are looking for a new source of income or trying to improve your standard of living, you should at your very best try to give a small amount of the benefits the universal cosmic energy is granting you.

Acquiring money for its own sake, living a selfish life without sharing, means breaking the laws that create cosmic harmony. This creates a negative money karma which can come back to you in the future.

Maria Duval says, do not be imprison by this archaic and selfish mentality of accumulating wealth.

Giving and receiving are not limited to material things. If you can be, try your best to compliment someone when that person has genuinely does well in life. This is not to be mistaken as bootlicking which is baseless in nature.

So open your heart and your mind, practise giving. Give those around you the chance to give and you will see that they are happy to do so. This way, you will improve in return.

mardi 26 mai 2009

Maria Duval - The Rule of Wealth No. 5

Money must circulate freely...

It is important to know this rule. Money is a form of energy and it must be a form of circulating energy, meaning you cannot hoard it, otherwise it will coagulate, like blood, and thus leading to more problems later.

When your blood is circulating freely, you are in great health. When money flows into your life freely, Maria Duval classifies you as a financially healthy person. The more you try to safeguard this energy in a box in your bedroom, the more financially sick you are. Surely, this does not mean saving is no good.

Maria Duval does not recommend saving just for its own sake, but she does recommend it as a means of developing the love of work. What she means is that financial success requires some form of enthusiasm at work.

The source of this enthusiasm can be found in your emotions. It is your emotion that drives you towards your goal. Without this "emotional support", saving money is tough.

Determination will never make you a saver without something else to spur you on. Do not save base on the emotion of fear but save based on the positive emotion of love, and this promotes the circulation of universal energy.

In conclusion, saving money should come from healthy and positive thought rather than negative ones. You should also focus on the achievement of a goal and objective rather than saving for the sake of a raining day. There is a big world of different in mindset, and this shift in mindset could result in the blockage of the money circulation.

lundi 25 mai 2009

Maria Duval - The Rule of Wealth No. 4

Maria Duval says money comes into your life for a specific reason

You need to know that when money comes into your life, it is subordinate to an aim, an objective, a wish. Having an aim in life is the force the drives life on; it's what gives existences a meaning and makes it sacred. It is up to you to find this objective, to define it. To do this, you need to be aware of what it is you really want.

You must be able to express what it is in you want in the simplest of terms, for example, "my objective is to provide myself and my family with material comfort and financial security", or, "my objective is to guarantee my children's studies so that they can attain a good place in society, and find a job that makes them happy".

Maria Duval thinks that wealth takes on a different aspect according to the person, because everyone has their own particular idea, which is a function of their needs and wishes.

So you must define your objective, so that prosperity and riches can take the tangible form in life as your formulate it. So clearly define the aim you have in mind, then stick to it closely until you have achieved it. The Universal Cosmic Energy can give you all the fortune you desire.

vendredi 22 mai 2009

Maria Duval - The Rule of Wealth No. 3

Being aware of money leads to having money.

You now know that you hold everything you need to become rich within you. You also know that the true nature of money, what pushes it away and the need to think positively about it.

You also need to develop the right state of mind, which means visualising your financial success in a sustainable way.

Let Maria Duval explain: achieving financial security is a process rather than a state. A state refers to something not permanent and prone to changes. This means if you visualise wealth as a state, you will permanently stressed - consciously or subconsciously - by the thought of losing it.

A process, on the other hand, accompanies you every inch and never leaves you. By opening up your heart and your mind to prosperity, you will build within yourself a feeling of wealth that nobody will be able to take from you.

Don't harbour any doubt and don't be discouraged, have faith that money will flow into your life and you will see how prosperity become a reality.

Best of luck and wishes!

mercredi 20 mai 2009

Maria Duval - The Rule of Wealth No. 2

Maria Duval's rule number is very simple to understand.

Fall in love with money if you want it to fall in love with you.

Maria Duval knows that this statement goes against traditional views of many conservative families, but this sentence is true in the occult and psychic world. If a person does not love money, then money will not love he or she in return.

Do you know that you could be subconsciously rejecting money and maybe even to the point that money is scared of coming into your life?

Yes, this is one of the most fatal mistake one could ever make. It's equivalent to rejecting a girl or guy who you love and then complaining that you are feeling lonely. If you reject something or someone, they will never come back again in your life, unless there is a drastic change in the mentality.

Maria Duval says that it is important that you love money without false pride and it will love you back. In this world, there is no dirty money. Money is a spiritual energy that flows around, and the only thing that is unclean is the mind of the person who handles it. The more you condemn, the more you will lose.

vendredi 15 mai 2009

Maria Duval - The Rule of Wealth No. 1

Everything you need to become rich is already within you.

All you need to do is to "show" or externalise it.

Assets such as physical beauty, luck and even the use of magic can favour the arrival of fortune. But you can be sure that without the right frame of mind, without the appropriate attitude - the so called "millionaire attitude" - it's next to impossible to attract into your life.

So the first stage on your path to prosperity, wealth and material comfort concerns your state of mind, as you cultivate your attitude towards money.

Properly channelled and in harmony with the creative laws of the Universe, the power of your thoughts can really trigger success. giving you access to things that you want in your life.

You will surely notice how positive minded people are always the ones who achieve the most success in the end. The common things that they have in common is strength of character, engendered and maintained by the formidable power of their mind, which they have learned to maximise.

Whatever your personal situation is, your life is more or less than fruits of your "thought" seeds planted in the garden of your past. Everyone who has ever become rich has done so because they firmly believed in the constructive powers of their positive thoughts.

mercredi 13 mai 2009

Maria Duval Prosperity Rule No.8

Maria Duval's last rule on attracting prosperity is straightforward.

Do not make the same mistake as what many people have committed over and over again. Don't allow yourself to be pulled back by the kind of lazy mentality even before you have started or put in an effort.

Spring your ideas into actions as soon as you think it is feasible and within your ability, or some promising opportunities present itself to you in some ways.

Take Maria Duval's word for it. This is really the perfect way to make a success of your projects.

Be a winner from the start!

How can you develop this wonderful ability? It's easy!

Allow your strength of mind to give you the strength to act!

And remember: Fortune only smiles on those who are audacious. Don't just look at the cherry, take a big bite out of it! Use this advice to help you to develop this "go-getting" temperament, this winning spirit:

Take immediate action when an opportunity presents itself.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today! Everything that has been done no longer needs doing.

mardi 12 mai 2009

Maria Duval Prosperity Rule No.7

Maria Duval suggests that you must constantly listen out for what your inner self tells you, because as a fragment of the Divine Intelligence and Consciousness, this is the only voice that can really bring you all the treasures that you are seeking.

This Inner Master is the added dimension that will make all your dealings much more profitable.

Each time you find yourself in conflict or competition with someone, or several people, each time you are on the point of embarking something important, turn to your inner spiritual self to seek guidance and inspirations so that you can find a quick favourable solution to your problem.

So from now on, don't do anything without first consulting your Inner Consciousness which resides in the core of your being., like a sparking diamond in a purple velvet jewel case.

Just for a moment, switch off your left brain and let the right brain into play, and the right one is the one that gives you your intuition. Yes, the voice of your wisdom comes from your inner core, where it gives you the power, strength, life and inspiration to allow you to step nearer to your set objectives in life.

Your Soul resides within your core. This Divine Legacy bequeathed to you when you first took breath at the time of your first incarnation on Earth, this fragment of pure light has been cloaked and dimmed due to your upbringing in this insanely materialistic world.

Finally, Maria Duval exclaims that no matter how feeble it may seem, this Spark of Light continues to shine brightly within your core of your being. This extraordinary power is ready to break out of its dark prison at any moment. With your Inner Being to guide you, you will no longer have to second guess what is in front of you.

Essentially, you hold the keys which open the doors to the endless Bliss to be experienced in the Paradise that is within you.

lundi 11 mai 2009

Maria Duval Prosperity Rule No.6

Desire plays a vital role in the initial process as we have just seen from the previous post, but if this is not backed up by faith, desire will just wither and never become anything other than remains just as a daydream. So Maria Duval would want you to strongly affirming to yourself that "I believe I can, therefore I can".

In other words, if you believe in your desire you are already half way there to accomplishing it - and it's a very simple concept, as it is all boils down to your personal confidence in yourself in pulling the desire off.

Maria Duval says if you want to develop a burning faith, you must start to act as if you have already gained that object or the situation. To assist you, you can use the incredible psychological power of repeated phrases and effective visualisation techniques to "firm" your desires in your mind.

If you fill your mind each day with right words and images you will attract various opportunities relating to your desire. If you long fo money, keep repeating to yourself assuredly that money is my friend and that you want to acquire a bit more each day until you have accumulated a good amount for your own benefits and for the others. Visualise it getting more and more each day.

If you do this, you will develop an increasing amount of faith and confidence. Strengthen your conviction daily until you believe so whole-heartedly in your desire that your thoughts are completely focused in this direction, make it possible to fulfil it.

jeudi 7 mai 2009

Maria Duval Prosperity Rule No.5

Maria Duval, the clairvoyant psychic, says that the first 4 Prosperity Rules will be practically useless unless there is a right application of them together with the 5th Prosperity Rule which talks something about DESIRE.

Desire is a very basic concept and it is the "ignition key" which you can crank on and power up your mental system. Desire mobilises your subconscious energies that will drive you there. Just pause and think for a while. What your life will be like if you never feel like you long for anything!? That would be like a living vegetable lying around in a house wasting time deprived of life's finer sides.

How can you expect to reach a destination if you have no will to get there? Yes, Maria Duval believes that life is governed by desires, which fall into two broad categories.

First category contains the short term desires that are linked to the satisfaction of immediate individual needs. This is the biggest category, for example, the desire to eat or sleep or travel. The second category of desires are less in number but greater in importance as they are more long term in nature and closely related to personal evolution, like fame, fortunes, success, love, health, wellness, peace, money, wealth and comfort.

Lastly, like a strong beam of focused light when sun ray is captured by a mag glass, your energies will be focused in a single direction and desire so powerful that it will crush any resistance along the way.

mercredi 6 mai 2009

Maria Duval Prosperity Rule No.4

Prosperity Rule no.4 is linked to the immutable law of sacrifice:

"Give and you shall receive".

This universal principle of wealth and prosperity is unanimously acknowledge by all philosophies, all religions and all the holy writings from all over the world, including the Bible, Quran, Buddhist script, Tibetan writings and many others. Wise men from the past all knew about this law when it comes to wealth and prosperity, and the mystics called it the "Law of AMRA".

Many people have forgotten about this immutable principle in which you must pay a bit of "tithe" so that the Cosmos can return to favour you more. This donation may take the form of some altruistic service or some favour which benefits someone, or several people if the benefits in question cannot be physically restored.

You could perhaps save a bit of money out of your monthly paycheck to give to some charitable causes or some humanitarian organisations as a way to help fellow human beings who are more needy or in some form of distress.

Maria Duval warns however that this charitable cause must be actioned freely without any sense of remorse or holding back. In fact you should be very happy when you donated to the charitable causes as you have just activated the "Law of AMRA" yourself in your life.

If you have been living in luxury for a long time it could be very wise to start giving back to the society if you have not done so because there is karma at work and one day you might find the roles being reversed due to your selfish actions in the past.

So from now on, remember to gift generously before you approach the cosmos so that you can immeidately tap into the powerful creative forces of the Universe that can help your initiatives to succeed.

mardi 5 mai 2009

Maria Duval Prosperity Rule No.3

Maria Duval's Properity Rule No.3 will enable you to activate wealth energy and it is intimately linked with your EMOTIONS.

Don't we agree that emotions are the driving force behind expansion and progress in our world? Emotion is the primordial force that results in great civilisations throughout the history of mankind.

However, just like thoughts, emotions must be carefully channelled and contained. People who have volatile emotions are just not efficient. They have allowed their emotions to gain control of their lives and initiatives. Maria Duval believes this often results in precious positive energies being wasted and scatttered all over the places and even worse still, end up like a living dead, with life energy totally drained off.

People who have taken control of their emotions however have a very powerful personality, precise ideas and sharp decision making process. They are the real "go getters", as you probably know someone you have come across, achieving respected success in whatever tasks they embark on.

Maria Duval states clearly that "emotions is a purpose which does not really have anything to do with purely intellectual functions". Emotions is amazing. If you can adjust your positive emotions with the powers of your mind and focus them on a single objective, you will be drawn towards your objective just like a magnet to an bar of iron.

So, the good advice to people is that do not restrict this natural function of your being, try to bring out its power as emotions can help you to sail much more faster towards your destinations you have targeted in your life.

Maria Duval gives a simple and good suggestions to master your emotions and this is to practise meditation which enables you to process it or orientate it in a way that suits your purpose.

You can also try out music as it is known to be an emotional stimulant to fulfil your desires as music has the great power to rouse, soothe or bring out the inner creative potential. It is therefore important that to use music to bring out our emotional best,we got to choose the right kind of music for this purpose.

To conclude, remember that if you can cultivate within you a dominating, motivating, constructive emotions to the point of obssession, this will propel you towards the pinnacles of success, glory and prosperity.

jeudi 30 avril 2009

Maria Duval Prosperity Rule No. 2

In this rule, Maria Duval says we need to clearly define the goal you are aiming for and then to stick at it, whatever happens, until you have achieved it.

Of course, we want to be rich, but have you really thought about what form it will take? How do you visualise it? Do you want material goods? Do you want cash? Just how much do you want in your account? There has to be a very clear definition about what you want before the Universe can give you what you want.

At this point you must be wondering with such a simple rule, why is it that so few people are successful in life, or what the rewards that they richly deserve to have?

According to a survey of one hundred people interviewed in this subject, only six of them really knew what they want in life. The rest were content to be thrown around by events, just like a ship sailing in the sea without direction. In this case, Maria Duval does not think you can even find a rudderless ship, as all ships have clear destinations of where they want to sail to, the goal.

But do be cautious as we cannot steer a ship into several ports at one time. Hence proceed step by step, pursuing on goal at a time, and go on to the next one when it has been achieved. For your dream to be realised, it has to be ambitious yet be feasible.

Once you have set an objective, stick to it like a leech and do not let fear and worries taking it away from you. To strength you in this area, Maria Duval suggests defining peronsal affirmation statement and practising creative visualisation.

Your subconscious is a powerful tool and it must be a slave that is under your control rather than it controlling you. Force it to obey you by repeating as many times of affirmation daily as possible. Say it out loud, sing it out, or write it down on papers. In this way, it will really shorten the time it takes for things to materialise in the physical world.

mercredi 29 avril 2009

Maria Duval - Prosperity Rule No. 1

The first thing you need to understand is that all the elements of prosperity are to be found only in YOU. So it's entirely up to you to "show" them out from you to your own benefits.

Your own thoughts, if they are sensibly oriented and in harmony with the creative law of the Universe, can really promote success and help you to gain everything you want out of life.

May you have noticed - it is always people who are full of vitality and positivity who achieved the most brilliant success. They have all a forceful personality generated and supported by the phenomenal power of their mind from which they manage to draw maximum strength.

What ohers have accomplished, you too, can accomplish. Your own personal circumstances are nothing but the fruit of your "thought seeds" planted in the garden of your past life.

All those who have become rich have done so because they firmly believed in the beneficial power of their positive thinking. And herein lies the first of our great secrets of catching and keeping wealth, glory and success

mardi 14 avril 2009

Maria Duval - Radio and TV Appearances

- RADIO BAIE DES ANGES – Broadcast “ C’est écrit dans le ciel”:
Every Sunday, on live from 10:00 am to 11:00 am = 364 broadcasts.
Every morning: daily horoscope: 2 broadcastings at 6:50 am and at 7:55 =
2.555 horscopes x2.

- RADIO ST TROPEZ – Broadcast “Cosmos Star”:
Every Friday, on live from 10:00 am to 11:00 am = 156 broadcasts.
Daily Horoscope : 1.095 broadcastings.

- RADIO ESTEREL MEDITERRANNEE – Broadcast “ La bonne étoile”:
Every Saturday, on live from 10:00 am to 11:00 am = 208 broadcasts.
Daily horoscopes : 1450 broadcastings.

- TELE MONTE CARLO – Daily Horoscope: 2290 broadcastings.

- T.M.C. - Punctual Broadcasts on live: about 10 to 12

- FRANCE 2 (ANTENNE 2) – Broadcast “ Matin Bonheur”
75 broadcasts on live, from 9:30 am to 9:40/45.

On live: 3 or 4 in prime time broadcasts.

- FRANCE 3 –: 3 or 4 broadcasts.

- BELGIUM – ITALY – TUNISIA and diverse: Performances on live = 10 to 12.

- RADIO FR3 – Broadcast “ L’autre soleil ”:
On Sunday, on live from 11:00 am to 12:00 am = 24 broadcasts.

jeudi 9 avril 2009


Maria Duval has always seen what others do not see, because she acts as a “medium” between the spirit world and man.

At the boarding school where she studied, she was locked in her room because she “had premonitions”, which set her apart from her friends; her husband ended their marriage, tired of these messages received from the “other side”. Maria Duval now lives in secrecy in her beloved Provence, close to Nice, but her bags are always packed to go off on her travels around the world.

Financiers and Stock Exchange brokers, famous actors (many come to Maria when they need to select a script, a part, or even a specific look) and a small crowd of ordinary people flock to her every day, because everyone wants their share of luck.

In fact, for a decade now, Maria Duval is an advisor to some of the largest French banks and also many major service companies that regularly send her photos and details of persons being considered for recruitment; Maria Duval’s predictions about the character of each candidate are always proven to be accurate.

But despite all the toing and froing of people coming to visit her, Maria Duval always finds time to write, whether by day or by night, perhaps precisely because she is “guided” to do it.

Books on food and diet , studied according to the different signs of the Zodiac", in which many common points are identified and many very surprising lifestyle rules are suggested, for achieving good health.

Books on astrology and health also offering innovative solutions, the result of ancient knowledge, handed down from generation to generation, and which reached their peak in the teachings of her maternal uncle, the priest Guido Vassalli, an advocate of esotericism and ancient traditions.

Books on sex including a sort of modern Karma Sutra, which she has just written and which has not yet been published.

And still more books, such as her famous “How to become a clairvoyant”, from which you can learn how to gain insight into your own future, and perhaps that of others too.

mercredi 8 avril 2009


• Lecturer at the public Faculty of Astrology
• Member of the “Academic Astrology” movement
• Member of the Research Group for a European Civilization
• Clairvoyant Spiritual Medium at the Psychic and Parapsychology Study society
• Official Astrologer and approved Graphologist, providing her assistance to several administrations and companies, in the recruitment of executives.

MARIA DUVAL is also one of the rare specialists in personal studies of “reincarnations” (previous lives that we have lived) with the participation of the research laboratory of the French Institute of Parapsychology.

Accurate and documented predictions on: TF1*FR2*TMC*RAI*RT5*RTT*CBS.

• Exclusive and daily horoscopes MARIA DUVAL for Var Matin for the past 15 years.
• Horoscope MARIA DUVAL on Télémontecarlo for the past 6 years.
• Creation of the FR2 “Bébé Bonheur” section in the “Matin-Bonheur” live programme.
• Overseas television programmes: Russian, Portuguese, Austrian, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Italian, Greek.

Creator and presenter of astrology and daily horoscope programmes:

• It’s written in the skies….. Radio Baie des Anges……………… for 7 years.
• The Lucky Star…………. Radio Estérel Méditerranée……….. for 4 years.
• The stars of the Cosmos….. Radio Saint-Tropez………………… for 3 years.

MARIA DUVAL, writer:

• “How to become a Clairvoyant: clairvoyant practices and techniques”
• “The guide to Astro-Health, alternative medicine: discoveries for better health”

MARIA DUVAL, her conferences :

• Lions Club Acropolis, Rotary Club Cercle Foche, Table ronde Cercle TMC, Ladies’ Club.
• Alliance Française Hôpital Pasteur de Nice…

MARIA DUVAL, her columns :

• Femme Actuelle, L’Equipe Femmes, Ici-Paris, Télé Guide, Monte Carlo Côte d’Azur, RBA et REM Magazines, Var Matin République, Paris France Magazine, l’Echo des Savanes, Le Meilleur (last special edition), Magazine Mutuelle Verte (magazine on health).

• Website: Maria Duval

MARIA DUVAL, mentions in the French and international Press:

• In France:
Nice Matin, Var Matin, Figaro Magazine, Paris Match, France Soir, France Soir Magazine, Le Parisien, Libération, Actuel, France Magazine, Vogue, Vogue-Hommes, France Etats-Unis, Le Soir.

• Throughout the world:
La Libre Belgique, The Sunday Times.
- Australia: New Woman, SHE magazine, Radios : SBS & Radio National
- Austria: Die Wiennerin 10/97 et 12/99. TV : ORT2
- Germany: Bild, Astro-Woche 0112/95, Das Neue Blatt 0611/95
- Italy: , La Stampa, Stop 01/99, Love Story 11/9811/99, Intimita, 08/00, Bella 08/00, Anna 08/00, Il Giorno 07/00, Lombardia Oggi 07/00, TV Lombardia
- Russia: Radio Nostalgie 02/00, TV1 & TVC
- Sweden: Hänt Extra 04/98, Expressen 04/98, Svenska Dagbladet 04/98, Afton Bladet 04/98, Dagens Nyheter 04/98
- Norway: VG 10/98, HJEMMET 01/99
- Finland: APU 10/00, Seura 10/00, TV Seiska 10/00, TV: MTV3 & RTV
- Greece: TV: Alpha, Star, ET3. Mag : Espresso, Ciao, Eleftheros Tipos, Votre Beauté

Many pages have been written about MARIA DUVAL, particularly in the following publications:

 Children and the Paranormal …………………. J.P. Bourre
 La Femme, Supérieure ou Inférieure à l’Homme ………. A: Walstein
 Le Guide des Guérisseurs et Meilleurs Voyants …… …….M. Tissot
 Guide to Astrologers and Clairvoyants …………… E. Alexander & A. Mathon
 Les Meilleurs Voyants de France ………………………. G. Dubois
 Le Livre de la Lune ………………………….. H. Prémont
 Angélique à Coeur Perdu ………………... Michèle Mercier
 Pluto’s Square ………………………………. Brigitte Bardot