jeudi 30 avril 2009

Maria Duval Prosperity Rule No. 2

In this rule, Maria Duval says we need to clearly define the goal you are aiming for and then to stick at it, whatever happens, until you have achieved it.

Of course, we want to be rich, but have you really thought about what form it will take? How do you visualise it? Do you want material goods? Do you want cash? Just how much do you want in your account? There has to be a very clear definition about what you want before the Universe can give you what you want.

At this point you must be wondering with such a simple rule, why is it that so few people are successful in life, or what the rewards that they richly deserve to have?

According to a survey of one hundred people interviewed in this subject, only six of them really knew what they want in life. The rest were content to be thrown around by events, just like a ship sailing in the sea without direction. In this case, Maria Duval does not think you can even find a rudderless ship, as all ships have clear destinations of where they want to sail to, the goal.

But do be cautious as we cannot steer a ship into several ports at one time. Hence proceed step by step, pursuing on goal at a time, and go on to the next one when it has been achieved. For your dream to be realised, it has to be ambitious yet be feasible.

Once you have set an objective, stick to it like a leech and do not let fear and worries taking it away from you. To strength you in this area, Maria Duval suggests defining peronsal affirmation statement and practising creative visualisation.

Your subconscious is a powerful tool and it must be a slave that is under your control rather than it controlling you. Force it to obey you by repeating as many times of affirmation daily as possible. Say it out loud, sing it out, or write it down on papers. In this way, it will really shorten the time it takes for things to materialise in the physical world.

mercredi 29 avril 2009

Maria Duval - Prosperity Rule No. 1

The first thing you need to understand is that all the elements of prosperity are to be found only in YOU. So it's entirely up to you to "show" them out from you to your own benefits.

Your own thoughts, if they are sensibly oriented and in harmony with the creative law of the Universe, can really promote success and help you to gain everything you want out of life.

May you have noticed - it is always people who are full of vitality and positivity who achieved the most brilliant success. They have all a forceful personality generated and supported by the phenomenal power of their mind from which they manage to draw maximum strength.

What ohers have accomplished, you too, can accomplish. Your own personal circumstances are nothing but the fruit of your "thought seeds" planted in the garden of your past life.

All those who have become rich have done so because they firmly believed in the beneficial power of their positive thinking. And herein lies the first of our great secrets of catching and keeping wealth, glory and success

mardi 14 avril 2009

Maria Duval - Radio and TV Appearances

- RADIO BAIE DES ANGES – Broadcast “ C’est écrit dans le ciel”:
Every Sunday, on live from 10:00 am to 11:00 am = 364 broadcasts.
Every morning: daily horoscope: 2 broadcastings at 6:50 am and at 7:55 =
2.555 horscopes x2.

- RADIO ST TROPEZ – Broadcast “Cosmos Star”:
Every Friday, on live from 10:00 am to 11:00 am = 156 broadcasts.
Daily Horoscope : 1.095 broadcastings.

- RADIO ESTEREL MEDITERRANNEE – Broadcast “ La bonne étoile”:
Every Saturday, on live from 10:00 am to 11:00 am = 208 broadcasts.
Daily horoscopes : 1450 broadcastings.

- TELE MONTE CARLO – Daily Horoscope: 2290 broadcastings.

- T.M.C. - Punctual Broadcasts on live: about 10 to 12

- FRANCE 2 (ANTENNE 2) – Broadcast “ Matin Bonheur”
75 broadcasts on live, from 9:30 am to 9:40/45.

On live: 3 or 4 in prime time broadcasts.

- FRANCE 3 –: 3 or 4 broadcasts.

- BELGIUM – ITALY – TUNISIA and diverse: Performances on live = 10 to 12.

- RADIO FR3 – Broadcast “ L’autre soleil ”:
On Sunday, on live from 11:00 am to 12:00 am = 24 broadcasts.

jeudi 9 avril 2009


Maria Duval has always seen what others do not see, because she acts as a “medium” between the spirit world and man.

At the boarding school where she studied, she was locked in her room because she “had premonitions”, which set her apart from her friends; her husband ended their marriage, tired of these messages received from the “other side”. Maria Duval now lives in secrecy in her beloved Provence, close to Nice, but her bags are always packed to go off on her travels around the world.

Financiers and Stock Exchange brokers, famous actors (many come to Maria when they need to select a script, a part, or even a specific look) and a small crowd of ordinary people flock to her every day, because everyone wants their share of luck.

In fact, for a decade now, Maria Duval is an advisor to some of the largest French banks and also many major service companies that regularly send her photos and details of persons being considered for recruitment; Maria Duval’s predictions about the character of each candidate are always proven to be accurate.

But despite all the toing and froing of people coming to visit her, Maria Duval always finds time to write, whether by day or by night, perhaps precisely because she is “guided” to do it.

Books on food and diet , studied according to the different signs of the Zodiac", in which many common points are identified and many very surprising lifestyle rules are suggested, for achieving good health.

Books on astrology and health also offering innovative solutions, the result of ancient knowledge, handed down from generation to generation, and which reached their peak in the teachings of her maternal uncle, the priest Guido Vassalli, an advocate of esotericism and ancient traditions.

Books on sex including a sort of modern Karma Sutra, which she has just written and which has not yet been published.

And still more books, such as her famous “How to become a clairvoyant”, from which you can learn how to gain insight into your own future, and perhaps that of others too.

mercredi 8 avril 2009


• Lecturer at the public Faculty of Astrology
• Member of the “Academic Astrology” movement
• Member of the Research Group for a European Civilization
• Clairvoyant Spiritual Medium at the Psychic and Parapsychology Study society
• Official Astrologer and approved Graphologist, providing her assistance to several administrations and companies, in the recruitment of executives.

MARIA DUVAL is also one of the rare specialists in personal studies of “reincarnations” (previous lives that we have lived) with the participation of the research laboratory of the French Institute of Parapsychology.

Accurate and documented predictions on: TF1*FR2*TMC*RAI*RT5*RTT*CBS.

• Exclusive and daily horoscopes MARIA DUVAL for Var Matin for the past 15 years.
• Horoscope MARIA DUVAL on Télémontecarlo for the past 6 years.
• Creation of the FR2 “Bébé Bonheur” section in the “Matin-Bonheur” live programme.
• Overseas television programmes: Russian, Portuguese, Austrian, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Italian, Greek.

Creator and presenter of astrology and daily horoscope programmes:

• It’s written in the skies….. Radio Baie des Anges……………… for 7 years.
• The Lucky Star…………. Radio Estérel Méditerranée……….. for 4 years.
• The stars of the Cosmos….. Radio Saint-Tropez………………… for 3 years.

MARIA DUVAL, writer:

• “How to become a Clairvoyant: clairvoyant practices and techniques”
• “The guide to Astro-Health, alternative medicine: discoveries for better health”

MARIA DUVAL, her conferences :

• Lions Club Acropolis, Rotary Club Cercle Foche, Table ronde Cercle TMC, Ladies’ Club.
• Alliance Française Hôpital Pasteur de Nice…

MARIA DUVAL, her columns :

• Femme Actuelle, L’Equipe Femmes, Ici-Paris, Télé Guide, Monte Carlo Côte d’Azur, RBA et REM Magazines, Var Matin République, Paris France Magazine, l’Echo des Savanes, Le Meilleur (last special edition), Magazine Mutuelle Verte (magazine on health).

• Website: Maria Duval

MARIA DUVAL, mentions in the French and international Press:

• In France:
Nice Matin, Var Matin, Figaro Magazine, Paris Match, France Soir, France Soir Magazine, Le Parisien, Libération, Actuel, France Magazine, Vogue, Vogue-Hommes, France Etats-Unis, Le Soir.

• Throughout the world:
La Libre Belgique, The Sunday Times.
- Australia: New Woman, SHE magazine, Radios : SBS & Radio National
- Austria: Die Wiennerin 10/97 et 12/99. TV : ORT2
- Germany: Bild, Astro-Woche 0112/95, Das Neue Blatt 0611/95
- Italy: , La Stampa, Stop 01/99, Love Story 11/9811/99, Intimita, 08/00, Bella 08/00, Anna 08/00, Il Giorno 07/00, Lombardia Oggi 07/00, TV Lombardia
- Russia: Radio Nostalgie 02/00, TV1 & TVC
- Sweden: Hänt Extra 04/98, Expressen 04/98, Svenska Dagbladet 04/98, Afton Bladet 04/98, Dagens Nyheter 04/98
- Norway: VG 10/98, HJEMMET 01/99
- Finland: APU 10/00, Seura 10/00, TV Seiska 10/00, TV: MTV3 & RTV
- Greece: TV: Alpha, Star, ET3. Mag : Espresso, Ciao, Eleftheros Tipos, Votre Beauté

Many pages have been written about MARIA DUVAL, particularly in the following publications:

 Children and the Paranormal …………………. J.P. Bourre
 La Femme, Supérieure ou Inférieure à l’Homme ………. A: Walstein
 Le Guide des Guérisseurs et Meilleurs Voyants …… …….M. Tissot
 Guide to Astrologers and Clairvoyants …………… E. Alexander & A. Mathon
 Les Meilleurs Voyants de France ………………………. G. Dubois
 Le Livre de la Lune ………………………….. H. Prémont
 Angélique à Coeur Perdu ………………... Michèle Mercier
 Pluto’s Square ………………………………. Brigitte Bardot